This large scale piece germinated as an inner vision, an idea that underwent a subtle but profound evolution. It commenced akin to the Faces Series, featuring a three dimensional face set against a flat background of parallel lines. Yet, as my contemplation deepened, a new perspective emerged. The face's intricate nuances dissolved, leaving only its silhouette against the backdrop of parallel lines. The progression didn't halt there. A constant inquiry was my guide: "Where does this pathway ultimately lead?" As my thoughts meandered further, a decisive choice was made. The silhouette itself was excised, leaving behind a profound expanse of parallel lines.
In the face of practical constraints, I embarked on a hunt for an appropriate measuring tool, fashioning an improvised ruler from lightweight metal. Armed with a traditional dip pen with metal nib, I embarked on the task at hand. Because of the traditional means to execute the task, what appear as long continuous strokes might consist of several lines due to ink limitations. The medium's demands dictated embracing imperfections and persisting forward.
My chosen palette was deliberately confined to Indigo, Turquoise, Orange, Red, Yellow, and Violet—excluding blue and green. Distinct sections emerged, melding diverse hues into a tapestry: warm and cool regions, each interwoven.
In essence, this artwork is the culmination of a journey that played out within my thoughts—an exploration of abstraction while pushing the boundaries of my chosen tools. It stands as a testament to embracing challenges, finding innovative solutions, and celebrating the beauty within limitations.